Our Mission

Belmont Park β€˜is a good school where students feel safe and make significant improvements in their attitudes to learning.  Their academic achievement is good as a result' (OFSTED, July 2018).

We are a special school in every sense of the word.  Our dedicated staff are passionate about providing the best possible opportunities and education for all of our students and staff. Our students are unique and we work hard to understand ways to support and guide them on an individual basis. We celebrate difference, we challenge ourselves and the students, we resolve conflict and we have high expectations about student behaviour, relationships and attainment.

Many of our students arrive at Belmont Park and may exhibit very challenging behaviour and have often found it difficult to cope in mainstream settings. A few students may have been out of education entirely for a significant amount of time. Others will have had early schooling experiences that were chaotic or fragmented, and may have fallen behind their peers academically. These experiences can result in self-esteem issues and anti-social behaviour.

When a student comes to Belmont Park we see it as an opportunity to turn their lives around;  they all have the right to achieve, and we believe that every parent and carer has the right to expect that we will do our very best for their child.  We work in partnership with parents, carers and other professionals to help our students make positive choices and changes which will serve them better in their future life.  We take pleasure from seeing them grow and progress in all aspects of their lives.

As well as the academic support our teachers and mentors promote the students learning and well-being. Our staff are highly skilled in developing strong relationships with our students and each pupil is known as an individual. This enables us to intervene quickly when problems arise and to discuss and resolves issues that may occur.

We have clear rules, expectations and consequences for everyone who works and learns at Belmont Park School and through these, we support our students in taking responsibility for their behaviour and its consequences. They learn to put things right when they go wrong, and they also learn the value of tolerance and respect, both for themselves and for others.  This helps them to build positive relationships both now and in the future.

We are proud of the school motto chosen by our students;

Dream, Believe, Achieve

It is our role to give our students the self-confidence and desire to achieve the dreams that they never thought possible that will enable them to be responsible adults, who are in employment with secure and happy relationships, and able to contribute positively to the wider community.

Bruce Roberts
